Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bowl making parties In November

Who: Anyone doesn't mind making their hands dirty and help out the project.

(No clay experience needed, children are welcome!)

Where: Garden of Goods ceramic studio in Hope Sound

When: Nov., 2010, Wednesday (3nd, 10th, 17th) , 1-5pm. or Friday (5th, 12th, 19th), 4-8pm.

What: Bring nothing but a sense of humor, and a pinch of creativity. Just show up and have some fun.

If you want to sign up, please contact Petey Cox by phone: 772 225 7002 or email: Peteygc@aol.com

Just let her know the day or days you want to come.

Direction to Garden of Goods Studio: http://www.gardenofgoods.com/directions.html

Fifth Annual Lundin Kudo Empty Bowls Project

While we're working on the new poster,
here are a few changes from last year;
Sunday February 27th, 2011.
11 am - 3:00 pm
$20 donation person
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
Pittenger Center
701 East Ocean Blvd., Stuart

And this time, we will try our best not to run out of soup or bowl......