Monday, December 20, 2010
Bowl painting party in Jan. 2011

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Bowl making parties In November
Who: Anyone doesn't mind making their hands dirty and help out the project.
(No clay experience needed, children are welcome!)
Where: Garden of Goods ceramic studio in Hope Sound
When: Nov., 2010, Wednesday (3nd, 10th, 17th) , 1-5pm. or Friday (5th, 12th, 19th), 4-8pm.
What: Bring nothing but a sense of humor, and a pinch of creativity. Just show up and have some fun.
If you want to sign up, please contact Petey Cox by phone: 772 225 7002 or email: Peteygc@aol.com
Just let her know the day or days you want to come.
Direction to Garden of Goods Studio: http://www.gardenofgoods.com/directions.html
Fifth Annual Lundin Kudo Empty Bowls Project
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Mae Slaton Silent Auction

Mary Alice Rogan Slaton
Mae Slaton believed that artists should gather together to create and to share. She initiated the Empty Bowls Project in 2006 to celebrate the life and work of Lundin Kudo, ceramic artist and friend. Mae brought together ceramic artists, artists from other media and people who just like to play with clay. All who wished to contribute were welcome. A few “souper” bowls were also selected for a silent auction to raise additional funds to feed the hungry in Martin County.
In honor of Mae Slaton’s commitment to excellence as evidenced by her contributions to the Center for the Arts, Martin County Arts Council Exhibition Committee and Martin County Public Art Advisory Board, this silent auction is now the MAE SLATON SILENT AUCTION OF SOUPER BOWLS.
Mae brought art to every aspect of her life. We hope that these beautiful bowls will fill your life with joy and wonder, while helping to fill humbler bowls with sustenance.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Empty Bowls Day
Thank You List
Carrabba’s Italian Grill
1900 Fountainview Blvd., St. Lucie West
Conchy Joe’s Seafood
3945 NE Indian River Drive, Jensen Beach
Dolphin Bar & Shrimp House
1401 NE Indian River Drive, Jensen Beach
East Ocean Bistro
2661 SE Ocean Blvd., Stuart
Roosters Daytime Café
891 NE Jensen Beach Blvd., Jensen Beach
Publix Supermarkets
Dale Hudson
Sunshine State Carnations
3403 SE Berry Ave., Palm City
Garden of Goods Gallery
12330 SE Dixie Hwy., Hobe Sound
to all the Potters, Artists, Teachers and Students. (If you cannot find your name, it would be our mistake. Please let us know.)
Art Students of Maria Miele, the Pine School
Art Students of Tracy Canada, Jensen Beach High School
Carlee Weston & Friends Pottery
Garden of Goods Gallery
Maria’s Clay Habit Studio
Treasure Coast Clay Art Guild
Alex Akerberg
Marianne Arcadapane-Todor
Buzzy August
Diane L. Ayres
Diane T. Ayres
Adam Balfour
Jane Ball
Ellen Bates
Gale Belanger
Judi Bettendorf
Joanne Biamonte
Mike Booth
Carol Boye
George Ann Braden
Suzanne Briley
Nylan Christensen
Judy Coffman
Petey Cox
Susan Cremin
Jen Dacota
Claudette Dalack
Cristina de la Vega
Garth Decker
Kendra Deltano
Jean Dugan
Karla Frederick
Aida Fry
Valerie Geever
Nina Gelardi
Howard Gibbons
Margaret Gray
Maggie Griner
Linda Hake
Susan Hansen
Duane Hatfield
Julie Hegedus
Jennifer Holmes
Liz Huggins-Thompson
Carol Hughes
Julia Kelly
Karen Kerwin
Chris Kling
Jackie Lanier
Justin Lambert
Cynthia Lay
Jane Lincoln
Lois Looby
Mary Makowske
Marlee Matheson
Gail McCarthy
Nedra Mead
Pat Mercier
Bev Migneault
Billye Miraglia
Hal Moore
Marilyn Moriarty
Susan Mottice
Jan Nimmo
Suzanne Osman
The Perez Family
Michael Plunkett
Linda & Heather Pollnow
Jussi & Olavi Poyhonen
Tom Prestopnik
Jerry Rose
Paula Rubino
Marcy Rutledge
Marilyn Ryan
Karen Sandlin
Shanna Scarpitti
Pat Scott
Kathy Sincerbeau
Brenda Susla
Joni Thieling
Carolyn Walsh
Ellen Wiest
Maura Wilder
May Wong
Leona Zegar
Paige and 4 kids ; Elisabeth, Caleb, Benjamin and Andrew
With all of your help, we made beautiful things happen.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The Empty Bowls Project Committee 2010 consists of the following local artists:
Diane Ayres - Chairwoman
Ellen Bates
Petey Cox
Georgia Malone
Carolyn Smith
May Wong
Leona Zegar
Significant contributions of time and effort have also been made by:
Garth Decker
Gail McCarthy
Jackie Lanier
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Best party in town

Well, maybe it was a slow night elsewhere in Martin County, but the Empty Bowls Friday night painting party was hopping. It might have been the best fun in town! It seems many folks had such a good time at our previous painting parties, that they not only came back, but brought spouses and friends. May, Diane, Garth and Ellen worked at fever-pitch to get tables set up, bowls glazed, problems solved and questions answered but it sure was fun. And the bowls...! The bowls produced last night were bright, beautiful, fun and best of all many - a record number. Best of all, we expect to meet or exceed our goal of 250 bowls for the event.
So, painters one and all, thank you. It is truly heart-warming to see how enthusiastically the artists in Martin County (and beyond) have rallied to support the Empty Bowls Project in its efforts to feed hungry
people in our community.
Be sure to stop in at Garden of Goods where finished bowls will be on display until the event. We'll look forward to seeing you all at St. Mary's Episcopal on Sunday, February 28th from 10AM to 2PM. Be sure to get there early for the best selection of bowls, and don't forget, there will be some very special "souper" bowls selected for silent auction.
Thanks again, painters, for all your help.
Pine School young artists

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Painting Party in GOG

Painting party in Gail McCarthy's studio - Jan. 22

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
After 2 days of painting party

Monday, January 18, 2010
Mae Slaton
Friday, January 8, 2010
Lundin Kudo